About Thethi Paradise

Hosted by Ndrek Logu
Thethi Paradise is at the center of the Thethi National Park, an area of outstanding natural beauty and the only spot where you can see everything which is found here.
I am Ndrek Logu, from Thethi – Shkodra. I have been lived for a long period of time in Greece and Australia. Now I am moving here in Thethi to bring the best experience of traditional albanian culture for everyone who is interested about it.
The most attractive places are Lock – in Tower of Thethi, Grunas waterfall, Thethi Blue – Eye, Jezerca Mountain and Valbona. We provide a guide information for each of these destinations; from transport management to mountain climbing, or horse riding. Everyone can find what he want in Thethi Paradise.
Languages spoken: Greek, English, Italian, Albanian